Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cardboard train

I had this awesome box sitting in my kitchen, and HAD to do something with it. It is super sturdy, and was meant to be created into a toy, so I thought "what does Ares love more then ANYthing in the world?....TRAINS! Duh". So a train it became!

We started off by cutting out a smoke stack (HAD to be a steam locomotive!)
Then cut out some crappy circles and squares to make wheels and to cover up the company name on the side lol

 Then a square for the smoke stack, and a puff of steam made from left over cardboard and construction paper :)

And voila, you have a crappy, yet useful steam locomotive to  cart your toddler around in! My box already had two perfect sized holes in the front to put a ribbon through so I could pull him about.

He had fun making it, and enjoyed carting his animals around in it! Plus when Persephone woke up, he pulled her around in it for a bit.

So there you have it. A crappy cardboard box turned into a crappy cardboard train that cost NO money at all, and was/is hours of fun! Great rainy day project to do with your toddler.

Sorry for the crappy pictures this week...didnt have time to edit them! :)


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fairy Garden

I was inspired to build a fairy garden by a friend on a forum soooooo here  is ours!!

Find a planter not in use, and a cute baby to sit next to you

Fill it up with soil

Grab random items from your place and decorate!

We used some fake leaves for shade, rocks we picked up on random walks for paths and places to sit, candles to add ambiance, two Christmas ornaments for sparkle (all fairies love sparkle you know), three glass tea light holders for fairies to bathe in, some raffia for a cozy spot to sleep, and am old candle that is all used up for a nice smell to attract fairies!!!

Easy peasy! And best of all? FREE!

Some blogs who inspired me:

May add some toadstools soon, and maybe go buy some moss to make it extra cozy




Fairies left a little surprise for boy this morning :)

More rocks to add to the garden since they were so happy with it :) Maybe they will bring more presents tomorrow!

Now I am going to enter our little post in a contest!! At (as previously mentioned)

Woot woot :) Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter eggs!

Made some Easter eggs today with my loves :)

Just did a simple food coloring/water/vinegar mixture for the solid color eggs.

The middle one however came from this batch :

Did those with my mom earlier this week!! We tied the raw eggs up in 100% silk ties, and boiled them (like you would as if you were hard boiling them) in water with a tblsp or two of vinegar! And voila, super awesome Easter eggs!

I can't wait for sunday!

Will update with pictures of how it all goes.
